City Audit
At the Montrose City Council Meeting April 11th, the yearly City Audit was accepted. The audit was a unqualified audit, which means there was nothing to question. Debt to assets is still high and Debt service coverage is a very low 37%, it should be over 100%. The Current and Capital expenditures per capita are about half of peer cities; I find this interesting as Taxes per capita are only slightly less than the peer group. It would be helpful to have more detail on this. Capital assets left to depreciate percentage is slightly higher than the peers, this would indicate our assets are newer. The General Fund Balance as a Percent of the Budget jumped from 40 to 60%, the peer group was 50% so this was a good increase. The peer group I used is from 2009, 2010 wasn't available. Revenue was above budget and expenses below, thought the actual amounts were almost the same as 2009.
Fire Hydrant Flushing
Tornado awareness week was the same week as the council meeting, with good information included in the City Newsletter that was mailed out. One thing that did appear missed was the fire hydrant flushing schedule for April 25th, but this was on the city website and in the Buffalo paper [Wright County Journal Press].
Employee performance reviews
Mayor Kauffman requested that the Employee performance reviews be removed from the agenda when it was next to be discussed. This included a recommendation of 2% pay increases prepared by City Clerk Barb. They mentioned that they should wait for the comparable worth reports to come back first; but they should have known this as comparable worth was discussed at the previous meeting. Maybe they thought it wouldn't pass with only 4 council members and it would be better to wait? Last year and it appears again this year the city is disregarding the established pay increase program of COLA and Longevity increases. Note that there wouldn't be COLA increases to give for each year from 2009-11.
City Council Members Contacting Consultants
A city policy of council members contacting consultants without permission of the city council was discussed.
Scott Czanstkowski had contacted the City Attorney about Open Meeting Law items on a few occasions and another council member had wanted some research done. Czanstkowski mentioned that most of the times he brought up the Open Meeting Law, the city changed things. I had observed several special meetings that were re-posted with the specific purpose, something the State had previously written an opinion on against the city in an Open Meeting Law review.
Time Clocks
Staff Time Clocks was requested to be on the agenda by Czanstkowski but was missing for some reason, and was added at the meeting and passed unanimously. Currently employees are writing their time in. The Deputy Clerk mentioned that the city was getting free time without the clocks as employees sometimes show up early or end up working late maybe 15 minutes without pay, the council said this isn't good. Liability was also discussed that if an employee got hurt, if they were really on the clock?
[Another bit of information, back in the Spring of 2008 when mayor
Charlie Nelson was signing Barb's time sheets, she was getting overtime (OT)
over 8 hours in a day. Access to the time sheets was first denied and
when persisted they were given. A few months later the OT over 8
stopped. Said she became a full-time employee then, however there was no
data on this supposed change!]