
Many of these older posts are/contain previous (partial) News articles: Letters to the Editor. City Website:

Council Member Gudvangen rant 10/2016

Should Melissa Gudvangen be a council member if she is going to make these kind of personal attacks against another council member?  She doesn't even seem to really participate at council meetings.  The person she is attacking is doing their job as a council member.

From: Melissa Gudvangen
To: ...

​I think you need to be way more careful about posting on social media or rather not post at all.  It would be nice to be informed of meetings rather than finding out on social media.  Any meeting that involves the council should be confirmed with the council first - not thrown out to residents, regardless of the situation. You are doing nothing more than causing more problems than are being resolved.

Many of your posts come across as nosy and more than a few comments are untrue.  I have been appalled at your behavior before I was elected and how you treat people and conduct yourself in public is horrid.  It certainly has not changed since then and having ... who has no tact, nor education is one of the worst kinds you can find.  You have cost the city an incredible amount of money and continue to do so while trying to show that you are doing the exact opposite, which only wastes more time and money.

We are all upset about the incident that happened this weekend, but there is no way this could have been avoided regardless of police presence or neighborhood watch.  It would be wise to not comment without all of the information and even if it is available,  you can not speak for all of us, because you end up making all of us look just as stupid.  All of your actions are reactions and this is not something that the city can continue to sustain without suffering more serious consequences.  I would have thought you and ... would have learned this lesson 2 years ago but you have proven multiple times that this is not true.  We can not police every single person in town into perfection.  There is no amount of police presence or other programs that can eliminate crime completely.  And because of our location, we have an incredible amount of drugs around.  Yes, we can eliminate some of it, but there is absolutely no way that things like this will not happen again and we can't pretend that they won't.  Stop being ignorant of what is really going on in your community and pandering to the citizens.  Our role should be to educate them, not tell them what they want to hear, because that will only cause more problems in the long run and those will more than likely have to be cleaned up by someone else just like before.  We all know we need to look at all of our options regarding police, which we did not that long ago. Again, you are reacting because nothing was changed when this came up for discussion before.  Instead of having to settle because of poor decisions that were made by the previous council, we could have used that money as funding for our own police force.  Was this something that ever occurred to you when making that decision?   Are you thinking of the taxpayers every time you call/e-mail the lawyer?  Every time you filled out your time sheet before the compensation changes?  Were you thinking about the council when you ditched us in the parade to ... for yourself (while wearing a council shirt, which was also very inappropriate AND being the one to initiate us being in it in the first place!)?  Obviously not. You have a complete lack of consideration for other council members, staff, and your community.  Government should not be involved in everything - that is why people don't like g'ment.  We are there to make our community safe and provide certain necessary services, not worry about if we got invited to the royalty brunch.  If that is something that concerns you, add a large donation to the Royalty from the City since they are out there representing us more than anyone else in our community and all they get is $250, IF they're lucky.  I would rather have a representative like that who is truly volunteering their time to represent us than some of our current election cadidates even if it means a tax increase.

I would appreciate if you would refrain from commenting on social media.  It would also be greatly appreicated if you could treat your fellow councilmembers and staff will respect and courtesy.  And just in case you need a reminder, you are still part of the council which means you need to leave your campaign out of it and worry about what we currently have going on.


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