
Many of these older posts are/contain previous (partial) News articles: Letters to the Editor. City Website:

Youmans response to the Letter and the Facts

Greg Youmans:
"There was a notice posted 10/29/15 for the November 2, 2015 Park and Rec meeting reflecting a quorum of the council may be present, so regardless of your issue with that meeting, it is mute.
Further, I do not appreciate the lies and false accusations that you have promulgated in the press and in election fliers. Your actions are wrong and despicable. They are also quite likely a violation of MN election law 211B.04 and 211B.06. But violation of the law apparently is not nor has it been a priority in your camp.
I choose not to lower myself to the depth of dirty tricks and disinformation. It is far better to talk about facts and what is best for the future of Montrose, which requires positive and future focused leadership. "

The Facts:
1. One only has to look at Youman's flier to see disinformation. You have to remember when reading his writing he is a salesman to the government and is a very smooth writer. He alleges the writer is likely committing a criminal offense, just unbelievable!

2. Youman's statement regarding the Park and Rec Meeting and the Open Meeting Law saying he left:
October 10th council meeting audio (click here)

Minutes showing Youmans was there:

3. Youman's statement about his Civil Court History saying there is none:
October 12th candidate forum (click here)

Court record showing there is:

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